Posts of zone Tag
Linux LXC containers
I like solaris zones and I am using SmartOS on my home servers. A few days ago I need to install virtual servers. KVM uses so much resources, hence I do not want to use them. I searched usages of Docker and LXC containers. A lot of people do not like lightweight virtualization. The famous video is Hitler uses Docker. [read more]
Why I use zones on my server instead of using whole server?
I have a small vps server with 2 vcores and 2gb ram. And I created a lot of zones inside this server! Am I mad? No! I like zones. [read more]
Host smartos on linode servers
This weekend, I worked on installing smartos on linode servers. And, I succeed. For memory requirements we need minimal 2GB ram. Hence I installed on Linode2048. [read more]